Late Swingers League

JHLGC 2025 Meeting Dates

2024 JHLGC Membership Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [76.7 KB]

You can leave your membership form in the pro shop in the JHLGC locked box or mail to Jenny Bannister.

Late Swingers Operating Guidelines.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [353.0 KB]
2024 Schooley Bucks.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [177.5 KB]
LS - 6-27-24 Agenda.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [85.3 KB]
3-12-24 Late Swingers Ladies League Orga[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [95.0 KB]
6-19-24 Late Swinger's Treasurer's Repor[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [97.4 KB]

Late Swingers EOY August Tournament Winners 2023


Medalist:                           Tara Purvis                        73          $30 Kroger gift card

Overall Low Net:              Esther Wilhoyte               63          $30 Kroger gift card


1st Flight

1st Low Gross:                  Abby Nedejko                  75          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Gross:                 Erin Marshall                   79          $15 Kroger gift card

1st Low Net:                      Connie Wiard                   69          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Net:                     Teresa Prather                  70          $15 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Aggie Hampton               28          $5 Schooley Bucks


2nd Flight

1st Low Gross:                  Charlotte Nelson             87          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Gross:                 Barbara Reynolds            91          $15 Kroger gift card

1st Low Net:                      Natalie Srutowski            72          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Net:                     Melinda Holbert              74          $15 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Robin Moore                    30          $5 Schooley Bucks


3rd Flight

1st Low Gross:                  Susan Rodgers                 96          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Gross:                 Susan Goins                     97          $15 Kroger gift card

1st Low Net:                      Jen Corman                      71          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Net:                     Susan Spoonamore        74          $15 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Jill LeMaster                     30          $5 Schooley Bucks


4th Flight

1st Low Gross:                  Lee Ann May                    106        $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Gross:                 Dusty Nelson                   112        $15 Kroger gift card

1st Low Net:                      Cathy Redmon                 69          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Net:                     Kathy Oak                         80          $15 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Carol Payton                     31          $5 Schooley Bucks


5th Flight

1st Low Gross:                  Tina Slone                         112        $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Gross:                 Leigh Ann Bates               117        $15 Kroger gift card

1st Low Net:                      Karen Thompson             68          $20 Kroger gift card

2nd Low Net:                     Lenee Peach                     75          $15 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Shelley Wood                   38          $5 Schooley Bucks


Golf 101

1st Low Gross                   Lois Ann Robinette          66          $20 Kroger gift card

Low Putts:                         Bev Druin                         19          $5 Schooley Bucks

Can only win one prize.



Low Putts:          Tie!  17 – Lisa Brewer, Natalie Britton, Donna McNeil, Charlotte Nelson, Teresa Prather, Terry Tracey


Most Improved Ringer:                Lea Mott             36.72%

                                                          177 to 112 (65)


Low Ringer:  Tie! 68 – Abby Nedejko and Tara Purvis


MOST IMPROVED GOLFER          Amanda Marlow

                                                          50.9 to 36.8

                                                          Factor 1.289


2nd                                                     Carolyn Paul

                                                          9.5 to 5.7

                                                          Factor 1.215

Thursday Evening League (9 Holes)


League play begins Thursday, April 18th and continues every Thursday evening ending with the banqet on September 19th. Each week you may begin play at 1:00 p.m. and continue until 5:30 p.m. allowing as many members as possible the opportunity to play.  



For 2025, all players will play from the same nine (9) holes unless otherwise advised by the League Administrator. Members, except Golf 101, will play from the red tee markers, unless otherwise agreed upon by the league or Handicap Committee.  Golf 101 members will play from the Wildcat tees.


League competition is flighted by handicap based on the GHIN system.  The League Night Committee Chair will determine the handicap ranges per flight.


Divisions may contain multiple flights depending on the number of players. A player may “declare up” and play in another division but must play with the maximum handicap allowed in that Division.  A player may “declare down” to play in another Division but will not be eligible for prizes.


Refer to 2025 JHLGC Rules for more information on Divisions.


For complete league rules, please see the Late Swingers Guidelines. It is up to you to be familiar with rules and regulations for this league. (They’re not difficult but it’s some stuff you might want to know.)

We WILL be playing out of the bunkers.  YOU MUST RAKE THE BUNKER AFTER PLAY. 


Rule 19.3 - When your ball is in a bunker, you may take unplayable ball relief using one of four options.  

1.  For one penalty stroke, the player may take stroke-and-distance relief.
2.  For one penalty stroke, the player may take back-on-the-line relief in the bunker.
3.  For one penalty stroke, the player may take lateral relief in the bunker.
4.  For a total of two penalty strokes, the player may take back-on-the-line relief outside the bunker based on a reference line going straight back from the hole through the spot of the original ball.
If you have a 2019 Rules of Golf manual, there is a really good diagram on page 119 that makes it a whole lot easier to understand.

 Handicaps will be established after fifty-four (54) holes of golf are played. A player must also play seven (7) of the nine (9) holes to constitute a round of golf for handicap purposes.




April 17


First day of league play.





May 29

June 26

July 31

August 28



Fun night is the last Thursday of every month.

Shotgun starts for Miss Dollie and last night of league play.


May 29 - TBD 

June 26 - Miss Dollie (shotgun)

July 31 - TBD 

August 28 - TBD

September 18 - Last night of league play. (shotgun)




7, 14, 21, 28


August Tournament. Your best front 9 and best back 9 scores will be combined for your total tournament score. Winners will be announced at the league banquet on September 21.




September 18


Last night of league play. League banquet at Juniper Hill Clubhouse at 5:00 pm. POTLUCK (meat, drink and paper products provided).  Awards will be announced, 2026 officer election and presentation of financial reports.


Late Swinger Officer Duties 1-26-16.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [158.5 KB]

2025 Officers

League Administrator

Teresa Prather

(502) 229-0804

League Night Chair

Natalie Srutowski

(502) 330-2312


Special Events Chair

Karen Thompson

(502) 545-1641


Golf 101 Chair



Susan Goins




The Late Swingers Ladies League

was established in 1980 to promote

and support women's golf in and

around Frankfort.  The league's goal

was and is to have fun while playing golf. 

The league officers for

the 2025 season are listed on

the left. If you would

like to serve on any of their

committees, please contact

one of them.

Juniper Hill Golf Course

800 Louisville Road

Frankfort, KY 40601

Pro Shop: (502) 875-8559


PGA Professional

  Kirk Schooley


As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round. ~ Ben Hogan

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